Friday, 28 April 2017

Engineers Role in Construction of Smart Cities

First let me define what is smart city??? A smart city is nothing but an area present in urban region and with great infrastructure, good market, well sustainable real estate, technological platform involved, and good view by means of best engineering works. The smart city can’t build only with efficient area of land, it is incomplete with good plan and procedure.

To build one building itself a well-organized team with the previously planned of what to use and how to build should be prepared. Then a lot of plans and preparations need to be done to build one whole city which is smart enough for the people to lead good life.

All small scale as well as large scale projects needs to prepared dummy models before actually starting the work. Not only for constructing large buildings, even for constructing small room proper planning should be done. So planning is must and should for any of the works.
Of course, world can’t become better on its own. Planning is very important for each and every work. 

Such planning’s are done by engineers so world need more and more number of good and young engineers for the better tomorrow.The present students are the future engineers, so all engineering educational institutes must undertake some programs to enhance the thinking capacity of students. They must be trained to face real world problems and to take the challenges.

Engineers play a very important role of engineering in planning how the city should be built. They decides which engineering technology to use to make the city more comfortable for people to lead better life. Planning is the very basic thing and also a very important thing in constructing anything. Failing in planning fails the entire project. So the presence and contribution of engineers are must and should for building smart cities.

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