Saturday, 29 April 2017

Reasons Why students should study their Passion?

Parents always wish the good for their children. Some of them force their children to take the course which they dreamed for their children. But it's not a good practice. Always let the children choose the course they love. Parents may think that more payable jobs are good jobs hence their children can lead a good life by choosing engineering. But the reality is money can't buy happiness.

Coming to professional engineering life happiness doesn't lie in the great salary it lies in job satisfaction. So the one who is interested in singing should sing, in cooking should cook, Dancing should dance etc.

Pursuing something like engineering which we love gives a great pleasure of learning engineering. If the field you are working is the field which you loved most then you will be engaged with the work with complete dedication. And hence one should choose the course they love not the course which is more payable.

Happiness lie in achieving something in work and enjoying that as well as achieving something in personal life and enjoying that as well. For example the very important meting you attended with your coworker which can brings the profit of working in the project you wanted to be in is the achievement. When you laugh with your coworker for the jokes they said is the enjoyment now a days in Chennai.

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