Thursday, 1 June 2017

BSC Nautical Science Colleges in Chennai

Nautical Science is related to the maritime studies.  It is the field in which one can find adventure filled jobs with great package. B.Sc. Nautical science is of 3 years course with both theoretical and practical classes. In this course students will have more practical sessions than the theoretical sessions.
The students must be strong in practical knowledge along with the theoretical knowledge. After completing 3 years of graduation the students must go through the sea service for 12 months i.e., for one year they must work in sea to get the post of Navigation Officer in merchant navy ships.
In the 3 years of course almost all important topics related to maritime studies are covered in the syllabus. Hence the students are provided with the strong basic foundation in all important topics.  The basic qualification required for the candidate to join for B.Sc. Nautical science colleges in Chennai is that they must have completed 12th class in science stream i.e., the students must learnt mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Completing 12th standard is not enough; to apply for B.Sc. Nautical science the candidates must have scored 50% marks in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. If we consider the age limit the candidate should be 17 years old to take up the course.  And the candidate should not be of more than 25 years while taking the course, hence we can conclude age limit as 17 to 25 years old while starting the course.
In this course along with the Qualification and age limits medical standards are given much importance. To work in ship the candidates should be healthy. So the important medical requirements are as follows.  
  • The Eyesight requirement should be of 6/6
  • The candidate must not be suffering from night blindness.
  • The candidates should be healthy enough to take part in seafaring tasks or roles.
The 3 years of B.Sc. Nautical Science is divided into 6 semesters each are of 6 months. After completing 3 long years of graduation, they must complete one years of sea service. After finishing the sea service the candidates take up the oral examination to obtain the Second mate’s foreign going certificate of competency. This certificate helps the candidate to get the post of Navigation officer in merchant navy ships.

The candidate can obtain first mate’s foreign going certificate of competency after completing 18 months of sea service as a Navigation officer with clearing the oral and written examinations.
For more details visit:

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